Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Royal Wedding Day

We arrived at Paddy and Ann's place on the 28th still seedy but happy to have reached them at last. The next day was the wedding and so we hung around to watch it on the TV before heading off to Salisbury Cathedral and our first night away with them. The cathedral's interior is the darker polished granite and sandstone which go beautifully together. Reflections like glass are mirrored in the new font's surface.

Everywhere there were garlands of bunting and flags and people celebrating together. Salisbury Cathedral was no exception.

This shy and reserved group of
revellers were finishing there picnic on the lawn as we left for the evening! They explained their picnic theme was "the worst wedding outfit" and we were suitably impressed!


  1. You two are having way too much fun !! Even a bout of food poisoning can't stop you hey. ;-)
    What a wonderful holiday you're having guys. Keep it up.
    Love ya.

  2. Glad you're back blogging, was beginning to wonder where you were (out of wifi range in deepest Ireland I guessed). Sorry to hear you've been unwell but glad you're still enjoying your trip.
    Did you know that one of your mum's cousins used to live in Salisbury not far from the cathedral? Dorothy, our great aunt Florrie's daughter. She lived in Harpenden before this and we went to stay with her a couple of times when we were little.
