Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Have arrived at Naxos after short ferry trip from Paros and the weather is devine. We all had lunch in a delightful little restaurant on the town square. Guess what???? When we arrived the transfer bus couldn't fit all of us in and I ended up left over so the hotel meet and greet guy took me on the back of his scooter to our hotel!!! We scooted past the bus and through the windy streets of the town, waving and calling to town people as we flew past!!! Amazing experience to begin our next island.

Tonight we go to a castle and are guests of a count for a dinner and show and photo opportunity looking down over the town below. This hotel has a gorgeous pool and free internet so hopefully I can get more emails and blogs off now without a hitch. The internet has been a rare occasion and very unreliable until now.

The whole tour group are getting along really well, must be the common interest we share. A few of us 'young' girls have been called the naughty girls (don't know where THAT came from) and the gin and tonics are going down a treat at lunchtime, although it is hard to pay attention to Nick's workshops in the afternoon!!!! That could be why....Leith and I absconded from a culture workshop to catch the local bus to the next town and get in a bit of shopping. Missed the wine tasting too, but the day was good value and fun.

I am putting photos on facebook under Greece because having trouble uploading them to this blog. Off to Mykonos today and Delos for some ruins and a boat trip. Hope I don't get sick!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Paros has a lovely little harbour of fishing boats and a church of 100 doors. This was so should the island be attacked, they could hide in the church and escape if necessary through the many doors and passages.

We went to a small village near where we are staying half an hour out of town and were entertained by dancers in traditional clothes and the locals sat around and clapped and cheered. So many characters, many of the men have the odd tooth missing, faces creased with lifes struggles, but happy none-the-less. We have 2 more nights here. Loving the food and atmosphere of the islands.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It doesn't feel real but here we are in Greece! The blog site has been offline for few days so have been unable to upload any posts. This is Monday so I have been in glorious Greece for a week now. Took a couple of days to adjust to new travelling buddies but now have lots of lovely people to snap away with. I really missed Ian for lots of reasons, particularly because my bag and camera bag are REALLY heavy! Soooo much to learn but what a place to learn in. We have had a couple of workshops learning about photos and will do more technology stuff in a future workshop. We have been emersed in the culture and have found the Greeks to be so generous and lovely to us all.

Everywhere deep blue skys, turquoise waters and white washed buildings. Everywhere we have found a complimentary glass of wine, or a small platter of fruit slices. This is in the tiny little out of the way places.

Tinos is very natural and unspoilt by tourism. We visited tiny villages and prowled the narrow streets for photo opportunities. We spent 5 days there and were sad to leave. However, Paros is beautiful in a different way and the shopping is great too.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Port Isaac - Doc Martin country

As you walk around the headland at Port Isaac you are met with the familiar sight of that little harbour village nestled into its bay, and as has been the case for us most of the trip, the tide was out!!! Still feeling seedy from the food poisoning last week, we popped up to the local doctor's house for a check-up, but unfortunately he was not in an it was closed off with a chain by the 'Australian' owner!!!

However the good news is that the Doc Martin series is being filmed at the moment and they were filming in the nearby village that very day for a hospital scene.

We learned some inside news also (block your ears if you don't want to know) Auntie is not long for this world!!!! Luckily, there is a new auntie who comes out of the woodwork to join the show. Walking around Port Isaac was wonderful with its steep narrow streets and whitewashed buildings. A lovely day was turned on for us with (sort of) blue skys and gentle breezes. Heavenly!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Jurassic Coast

The Jurassic Coast in the south of England is beautiful! We had been recommended to visit Lyme Regis town and were not disappointed. All the beaches are pebbled which takes a bit of getting used to. This is the fossil area and apparently there are fossils everywhere around here. There was this bloke with balancing stones, which I have seen on cards back in Australia.

We visited a swannery where the bouncing bombs in WWII were tested. Now a rare 'mute' swan breeds there and they nest everywhere around the place so you can get close to them and even see their eggs when they change duties. Some had up to 6 eggs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Stonehenge was worth the effort of getting up early to be there for our 8 am appointment! It was pretty cold but wonderful to walk around the stones and have the place pretty more to ourselves. The sky cleared before it was time to leave, so we had some blue sky to enjoy the experience. The security guard took time out to show us some of his 'snaps' he had captured as a perk of the job of being there 24/7. He was lucky enough to have photos of when there was a mist swirling around the stones.

We were not allowed to touch them as there is rare fungi and moss growing on the stones that had been dying off because of the handling etc., Security is to keep druid followers from using the stones for ceremonies and of course the threat of graffiti artists or carvers.

Then it was off to the coast for a couple of days in Devon and then Cornwall and Isaac.

Wells Cathedral

Paddy took us for a spin in his BMW with the roof down (as you do), to see the town and cathedral of Wells, where he was ordained last year. We drove through this gorge with steep rock faces on both sides where the locals love to hike and abseil. It was a thrill to be wizzing through the English countryside with the roof off, although I did end up with a buffeted, slightly windblown look and a red nose!!! The cathedral is a magnificent cathedral and Paddy was very proud to share it with us and show us all around.

Part of the cathedral was closed off and we discovered that filming was being prepared for a movie coming out in 2012 called Jack the Giant Killer. Bet it is the giant's house, that would be perfect.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Royal Wedding Day

We arrived at Paddy and Ann's place on the 28th still seedy but happy to have reached them at last. The next day was the wedding and so we hung around to watch it on the TV before heading off to Salisbury Cathedral and our first night away with them. The cathedral's interior is the darker polished granite and sandstone which go beautifully together. Reflections like glass are mirrored in the new font's surface.

Everywhere there were garlands of bunting and flags and people celebrating together. Salisbury Cathedral was no exception.

This shy and reserved group of
revellers were finishing there picnic on the lawn as we left for the evening! They explained their picnic theme was "the worst wedding outfit" and we were suitably impressed!

Dingle Peninsula and Kerry

Next we visited the spectacular Dingle Peninsula and the Ring of Kerry where winding roads and views in all directions had me hopping in and out of the car. The weather continues to spoil us with fine and balmy 3-15 degree spring days. The locals are peeling off their jackets and getting around in shirt sleeves and occasionally shorts!!! I can't get out of my jumper..... We spotted the beehive houses on the coast built out of stone which are constructed by balanced stones locked together by their weight and design.

Unfortunately, Ian and I both got sick at this stage (think food poisoning) and it has taken us a few days to feel human again. Luckily, we had a couple of days up our sleeve which we spent in Rosslare getting ourselves back to normal and delayed the ferry return for a day. Both crossings to and from Ireland were on beautiful fine days so we were lucky with that.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Cliffs of Moher

It's the top of the mornin' to ye! Heading south along the west coast of Ireland we visited the Cliffs of Moher yesterday. We got there about tree tirty (had to get that in there somewhere!!!d) and walked the cliffs with a hundred other people (this must b
e where the Irish go for their holidays). At about 7pm it felt like 4 in the afternoon and people were still arriving, a strange feeling. They rise late here but the day continues on until 9 at night, really different to Australia.
There is a museum here at Moher, as well as a few shops and cafe but the difference is they were built into the hillside and out of sight on the landscape. The cliffs are spectacular and photos don't do them credit, but you may recognise the location of my background photo here!

Ashford Castle Hawk Walk

This morning was fine and clear for Ian's hawk walk.
We met Courtney our guide at the Falconry Keep and we were introduced to 'Wexford' our gorgeous Harris Hawk. Courtney filled us in on life for Wexford and then we were off.
As we wandered around the grounds and woods surrounding Ashford Castle, our hawk
came and went from Ian's arm. He even caught a mouse and consumed it in seconds before our eyes whilst we were in the woods!!! It just added to our amazing castle experience. Oh and that is Wexford's BEAK you can see between his legs.

Our room was perfect and the service impeccable. Here are some photos of the lounge and dining areas. Our room was the three windows on third floor and the little slit beside them set back slightly was our bathroom! Right in the front overlooking the lake and gardens! We sadly had to leave eventually and one of the porters polished up our car for us while we waited for our bags.