Friday, October 10, 2014

Durbrovnic Wall Walk - Day 7

Today we decided to get up early and tackle the wall walk around the old town.  Even though it was only 8am in morning the sun already had a sting in it.  So much for cool autumn weather.  

There are many stairs to be climbed in this town both up to our apartment and up the wall.  Stairs, stairs, stairs!  The Croatians must be super fit, that's all I can say.  It was well worth it though, because along the wall you have views of the old town from all angles and there are lots of interesting little places to be spotted from the higher vantage point.

Our early start meant less tourists to negotiate around....but there are still a lot of tourists.  A large contingent of Asian, European and some Americans (we will meet more of them soon) but virtually no Middle Eastern or Aussie tourist to be seen.....interesting.

I love the orange roofs and cream and stone buildings in the old town.  It is so picturesque and the town really nestles in tightly within the walls.  It is easy to image the people and history that has unfolded over the centuries.


  1. You make it all sound wonderfully old and interesting! Hope you continue to have a grand time.

  2. Looks like you girls are having a wonderful time but my god you are missing out on just soooo much fun back here. Pffttt ha ha. Stunning photos Janey. Keep on enjoying xo

    1. Hey Patti - I did see you comment thank you very much - glad you were able to get onto the blog and I was so disappointed to be missing the fun back home (sigh). LOL
