Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Temple of Zeus at Euromos Turkey

Aydn took us to a Temple ruins on our way to Bodrum which was a delightful surprise!  It was  in the hills just off the beaten track and one other person was there so we did a group shot there amongst the ruins.  Looking forward to seeing that one when Matthieu gets organised!
We were only there for a brief time but we really enjoyed wandering around and climbing over the ruins there.  The silence and the hillsides helped to give a feeling of timelessness and you could image the place at a different time when it was grand and beautiful.  Loved it.


From Cappadocia we travelled to Izmir by the sea and spent a couple of days there.  Our days were jammed again with history as Aydn was so passionate about the history of his country.   Ephesus was our big highlight from here and we arrived early and missed the masses that swarmed into the site later in the day.  We passed them all as we left.  That was a bit tick for Aydn's planning.  Leith and I were a little saturated with the history by this stage and were feeling like some rest and recreation.  This didn't come until we had our day in the gulet a few days later.  Anyway, some pictures attached.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Next Stop Cappadocia

After a few days in Istanbul we headed for the airport and our flight to Cappadocia.  We visited a ranch and local family who cooked lunch for us and rode horses around the hills near their home.

The landscape is like a lunar surface and the pinnacles of Goreme are strange structures that litter the valleys.  We took a balloon ride at dawn over the spectacular scenery and it was awe inspiring.  To drift 500 feet above the land and look down on the most amazing scenery was on my bucket list - tick!!!!  Our pilot was a young man who I doubted had enough experience to take us safely on our journey, but he turned out to be expert and managed the scores of other balloons that were drifting around us effortlessly.  He even landed our balloon on the trailer ready to drive away once we had champagned and celebrated a safe landing with our other travellers.

Aydn took us to a local ranch and we had lunch there prepared by the family.  the woman above is the mother and she did all the cooking and her sons served us.  they were a delightful family and very generous with their hospitality.  It felt like we were in Mexico with the hot weather and the dry landscape with horses as well.

Our view from our cave hotel.  Leith and I were put on the top floor because they thought the Aussies  would be able to billy goat it up all the stairs!  

The dot on the rocks is Aydn!  We had wandered off taking photos and we heard our names echoing  in the distance - everyone else was back on the bus and we were being summoned back!  Luckily we had Matthieu with us to share the blame!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Istanbul and the National Geographics Tour starts

We flew into Istanbul and coming out of customs and baggage were met with a mass of men and women pressed to the doors eagerly waiting for their returned family members.  It was a big religious event and people had been away on pilgrimages and were returning home so flights were full and the airport was packed!  We had to push through the crowd with bags in tow, quite a cultural shock.  Had a few thoughts of what the hell were we doing in Turkey???!!!

However, we met our transfer and were whisked away to our hotel to meet our tour guide Aydn and Melisa and for meet and greet cocktails. 

From then on it was full on with packed days, early rises and late dinners.  The tour was originally a National Geographic Expedition that they just added photography to, so it was really packed and a bit of a juggle for the guides as they had not done one like this before.

Matthieu Paley was our photographic expert and he was very generous with his time and help with our questions.  

We spent a few days in Istanbul and did all the mosques and the palace and a night journey on the water.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Durbrovnic Wall Walk - Day 7

Today we decided to get up early and tackle the wall walk around the old town.  Even though it was only 8am in morning the sun already had a sting in it.  So much for cool autumn weather.  

There are many stairs to be climbed in this town both up to our apartment and up the wall.  Stairs, stairs, stairs!  The Croatians must be super fit, that's all I can say.  It was well worth it though, because along the wall you have views of the old town from all angles and there are lots of interesting little places to be spotted from the higher vantage point.

Our early start meant less tourists to negotiate around....but there are still a lot of tourists.  A large contingent of Asian, European and some Americans (we will meet more of them soon) but virtually no Middle Eastern or Aussie tourist to be seen.....interesting.

I love the orange roofs and cream and stone buildings in the old town.  It is so picturesque and the town really nestles in tightly within the walls.  It is easy to image the people and history that has unfolded over the centuries.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Durbrovnic weather has been kind and we have had a sunny day with perfect conditions.  We went up the cable car to the summit behind the old town and spent half a day chilling out at the cafe on top enjoying the spectacular views.

One more day before we go and so much to see.  We plan on doing the wall tomorrow which looks like more walking than I thought.  Lots of steps and stairs too I suspect.  Here are a few more pictures of Split near our apartment which I really like.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Today we did the roadtrip between Split and Durbrovnic and it was wonderful.  The coastline of Croatia is spectacular as the road hugs the shore and around every corner is another little village of white and orange buildings.  Tourism is the main product these days.  We are actually travelling at the end of the tourist season so the numbers are down and we are seeing things without masses of people everywhere.

The temperature here has been warm and we have been wearing Tshirts most of the time.

I have decided that sport cars are the way to do a roadtrip.  We had to squeeze our bags into the boot and back seat but managed it somehow.  Thelma....I mean Leith and I shared the driving and it was very cool with the roof off (as you do)!!!

Glad we did Split before Durbrovnic because if we had seen them in the other order, I think we would have been disappointed.  However, we loved Split and really enjoyed its history and beautiful buildings and people.  Durbrovnic is alive with young and old, dining and socialising in alleyways and little restaurants and bars;  people wandering through narrow lanes between ancient tall buildings; the sounds of conversation and music filling the air. 
In another life this would be heaven to live somewhere like this.  I am sure the reality is not so heavenly but it has a magic for the visitors that won't be forgotten.

This little boy was in the village we found for lunch.  We sat outside and enjoyed the spectacular scenery.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Split Croatia

Arrived in Split after an interesting sideline to UK due to a missed flight.  
Split is warm and friendly and wonderfully mediterranean!  We stayed in the old part of the town overlooking the central plaza and bell tower.  Fantastic location and we didn't need to set our alarms once in the 4 days as we had a 6am wake up each morning thanks to the bells!  All good as we didn't want to miss any time here.

We spent a day on a boat visiting several islands and swimming off the boat in the fresh but still swimmable torquise waters of the Blue Lagoon.  

Yesterday we went on a bus trip for the day to Plitvice Waterfalls and it was amazing.  Once again the water is crystal clear.  There were endless waterfalls and we walked about 5km.  The guide was very patient with the stragglers (guess who) who kept taking photographs.  

Today we pick up the hire car and travel to Durbrovnik for the next few days before heading off to Turkey.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Singapore Airport Qantas Club Lounge

One more hour to go and then off to Dubai for the next leg of the marathon journey to Split!!!
I have been spoilt forever travelling in a style I would like to become accustomed to!!!  The food is fantastic and I started my evening meal with a bowl of Cream Caramel to die for with cracked toffee topping and the creamiest custard under......then I had my main, just because I could!  

Hope I can sleep on the next leg because it is through the night. Then Istanbul, Zagreb and finally Split.......bring it on.

Good night Brisbane <3

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Countdown to Croatia and Turkey.......

4 weeks to go and I am not ready at all!  Busy loading Lightroom and Photoshop onto my laptop so I will have somewhere to look at my photos.  I may ditch Aperture as it is very similar to Lightroom and would be a double up.  Also sorting my hard drives to be compatible with both Mac and my PC (always an issue, but I think I have finally nailed it).

I am hoping I can use some photos from the trip for an assessment due when I get back.  Trying to get as much of my modules finished before I go so there isn't too much pressure when I return.