Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Cliffs of Moher

It's the top of the mornin' to ye! Heading south along the west coast of Ireland we visited the Cliffs of Moher yesterday. We got there about tree tirty (had to get that in there somewhere!!!d) and walked the cliffs with a hundred other people (this must b
e where the Irish go for their holidays). At about 7pm it felt like 4 in the afternoon and people were still arriving, a strange feeling. They rise late here but the day continues on until 9 at night, really different to Australia.
There is a museum here at Moher, as well as a few shops and cafe but the difference is they were built into the hillside and out of sight on the landscape. The cliffs are spectacular and photos don't do them credit, but you may recognise the location of my background photo here!

Ashford Castle Hawk Walk

This morning was fine and clear for Ian's hawk walk.
We met Courtney our guide at the Falconry Keep and we were introduced to 'Wexford' our gorgeous Harris Hawk. Courtney filled us in on life for Wexford and then we were off.
As we wandered around the grounds and woods surrounding Ashford Castle, our hawk
came and went from Ian's arm. He even caught a mouse and consumed it in seconds before our eyes whilst we were in the woods!!! It just added to our amazing castle experience. Oh and that is Wexford's BEAK you can see between his legs.

Our room was perfect and the service impeccable. Here are some photos of the lounge and dining areas. Our room was the three windows on third floor and the little slit beside them set back slightly was our bathroom! Right in the front overlooking the lake and gardens! We sadly had to leave eventually and one of the porters polished up our car for us while we waited for our bags.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

We drove off the ferry at Dublin, found ourselves on a motorway (thanks Tom) and ended up in Galway in a nice B&B. We were sent off to Galway town to have dinner and had a fantastic night in the hub of the town where the pubs were pumping out music and there were people everywhere, very festive. We made yet some more best friends in the restaurant, Di and John from North Ireland on their weekend away, and had a magic evening chatting and surrounded by the atmosphere. We exchanged emails and addresses so who knows??! Got back to B&B and accidentally deleted the evening photos instead of uploading...rats. The breakfast setting was very noice the next morning.

Here are a couple of photos of the drive to Cong, we had our first rain would you believe. Then Ashford Castle is ahead.

I can't believe Ian is asleep in his chair after 3 sherries, yes we are at Ashford Castle and it is AMAZING! From our bedroom window we have views of the lake and front gardens and it is luxury, luxury, luxury. So glad we did this! Dinner in the dungeon (yes, that is right) and hours to kill in garden and grounds. And, YES, we have our own chandelier in our room. Ian is awake now (the pace is furious!) and we are off to explore the grounds.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wales to Ireland

Wales has diverse countryside including lakes, mountains and pretty villages. We drove through a slate mining area where the hills were literally all slate and the village and port were very 'werka's cottage' style, lined up along the hillsides around the port. Wales has rhywbeth i bawb (something for everyone)!! I know, impressive, we are speaking fluent Welsh already! The town names are like my texting!! Llandudno, Betws-y-Coed, Ffestiniog etc., and we got horribly lost en route to Porthmadog! Eventually, found Holyhead (sort of still talking) and hopped, well drove, onto the ferry for Dublin!!!

St Andrews to Manchester

St Andrew's is a beautiful and ancient town with the ruins of its cathederal overlooking the ocean below. The town and streets are lined with grand buildings that are nestled down narrow streets and in courtyards that you glimpse as you drive past. Would love to have spent more time wandering the streets discovering more of the wonderful buildings but sadly had to head off.

We overnighted at Pooley Bridge in the Lake District and went for a walk along a stream through fields and turnstiles. After another huge breakfast, we drove the scenic lakes and hills to finally hit the highway and continue down to Manchester to meet Penny and James at the White Lion for a drink. We stayed with James and Sheila in there lovely spot overlooking Manchester in the hills behind the city.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Purple Tuesday!

The girls from work will confirm Purple Tuesday is too important be missed even though I am away!!! I enlisted the assistance of a local lad who obliged me with a coat of purple paint! Unfortunately, the photos of the finished effect didn't turn out, so you will have to imagine how it looked!

Back to the Lake District

We drove back across Scotland winding through bleak, bare hills and picturesque Lochs, every corner bringing a new photo opportunity (if only Ian would stop!). We spent the night half way across the country in the hills at a Hotel, where we discovered the new manager (Chris) enjoyed a tipple and so kicked on with the local entertainment. Ian and Chris propped up the bar till the early morning discussing random stuff, and were both a little seedy next morning! We happened upon Rob Roy's grave just off the beaten track and also popped in to the Beatrix Potter Museum for a quick visit.

Castles and Wee Scotland

Ian and I dusted off our brooms and headed to Alnwick Castle. It was so interesting hearing about the defence of the castle in those times, death pits and dungeons people were dropped into never to be seen again! You have to wonder why would you attack a castle in the first place!!! There was also the ghostly presence of Harry and his co-horts zooming around the keep. A chattering group of children dressed for the same sporting brooms and swords added to the magic of the day. There was this amazing tree house on the grounds where a young couple were having their wedding reception at later in the day. WoW!

Scotland was our next destination and the open hills and hospitality made us feel instantly welcome. Our B&B first night was Alden Guest House in Callander, the exterior being the film location for a doctor series in the 60's apparently. I am loving the B&B experience, every night is a new location and new best friends!!! The seafood and local fare has been amazing, like the sea scollops cooked in butter and garlic and served with salad and dressing that we ate on the pier at Oban with the cry of the seagulls all around and fishing boats bobbing about in harbour. The tides here are ferocious and rush in and out of the river.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

To York and Beyond

On the road again and into the ancient Roman city of York. We stayed overnight so we could stroll through the streets and visit York Minster (a huge cathedral like church in the heart of the town). It was worth the effort, really beautiful to see.

Then we headed north to the Northumberland coast and castles, castles everywhere. The daffodils are everywhere and yellow daisies through the grass in the woodlands, magic. We stopped in Alnwick where Harry Potter's castle is located. Will see that today. Beautiful blue skys today and gentle breezes with a balmy 16 degrees outside!!! Almost like home!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Had lunch in a really ye olde English cafe in Newark, Notts called 'Charles 1 Coffee House'. Apparently, a painting on the wall keeps reappearing when painted over and the place is said to be haunted.

Here we are in Rochedale outside Manchester catching up with my midlands relies Penny and James. Weather has turned cold (what a surprise) ! We are now sporting windsheeters. Mine is bright pink so Ian doesn't accidentally loose me! It is such a good look.